Auction catalogue, paperback, illustrated, 176 pages, with the prices realised, spine a little rubbed, page-edges lightly toned, in Good condition.
Catalogue of Bill Hart’s magnificent collections of Natal and Anglo-Boer War. The remarkable Natal section consists of 626 lots, including early letters and prestamp mail; postage stamps of Queen Victoria and King Edward VII’s reigns, on and off cover; Cancellations; special categories of postal history from Advertising Covers to Registered Mail; Campaign Mail; Zululand; Maritime and Railway Mail; and superb Overseas Mail, including incoming and outgoing covers, Forwarding Agents and Combination Covers. The Boer War section (1004 lots!) consists of Bill Hart’s definitive collection of the 1899 – 1902 period. The sheer scale of the collection is breathtaking, and includes Mail of the Boer Forces and Invasions; Boer Censorship and Mail from Prisoners in Boer Hands; British Forces’ Cancellations for Letters; British Forces’ Units and Contingents; British Censorship, Hospitals and Burgher Camps; Mail of Prisoners in British hands; Basutoland, Mafeking, and Mail of the other British Sieges/Occupations; and Special Categories of the British Forces’ Postal History from Crash Mail to Telegraphs. Very well illustrated, with many black & white photographs and some in colour. An important reference catalogue.
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