Philatelic Literature Specialists


General philatelic works

[Hardeman Smith, C.]

Great Britain, Foreign Countries, British Commonwealth

Publisher: Harmers, London, 1994

Auction catalogue, large format (A4) paperback, 180 pages, illustrated, with the prices realised, in Very Good condition.


[Boonshaft, Jack C.]

Parts I & II

Publisher: Harmers, London, 1993-94

Auction catalogues, large format (A4) paperbacks, 80 + 79 pages, illustrated, with both prices realised, in Very Good condition.


Duggan, John

Publisher: Zeppelin Study Group, Ickenham, 2002

Paperback, illustrated, 290 pages, text in English, slight spine-lean, corner of front cover very slightly rubbed, pages fine, in Good condition.


Le Pileur, J.

I. Supplément à l’Essai de nomenclature et de classification des Oblitérations, Cachets et Griffes (France, Colonies et Pays de Protectorat). II. Les Aérogrammes Français Accidentés

Publisher: Yvert & Cie., Amiens, 1939

Paperback, 105 pages, illustrated, text in French, ex-Junior Philatelic Society with label to spine and small library stamps at front, slight spine-lean, some wear to spine with tiny amount of loss, pages fine, in Good condition.


Barefoot, John

Publisher: J. Barefoot, York, 1983

Paperback, 16 pages, illustrated, few tiny marks to the covers, slight foxing to page-edges, internally clean, in Good condition.


Garrard, W.

Volume 1

Publisher: Chavril Press, nd (circa 1989)

Second edition, paperback, 60 pages, tiny corner-crease to front cover, a few tiny marks to the covers else in Very Good condition.


incl. Post der Vertragsstaaten

Publisher: Heinrich Köhler, Wiesbaden, 2001

Auction catalogue, paperback, illustrated, 92 pages, text in German, minor signs of use else in Very Good condition.


Fryer, Gavin

A Display to Fellows and Members of The Royal Philatelic Society London

Publisher: privately published, 2022

Large format (A4) paperback, 36 pages, illustrated, in Very Good condition.


Datz, Stephen R.

The World Airmail Catalogue

Publisher: Sanabria, Colorado, 1995

Large paperback, 120 pages, illustrated, in Very Good condition.


Vollmeier, Paolo (editor)

Publisher: F.F.E. Journal, Switzerland, 2003

Large format paperback, illustrated, 213 pages, text in English (some articles in other languages with English translations), some slight wear to the edges of the front cover, in Good condition.


Mohr, Knud (editor)

Publisher: Postiljonen, Denmark, 2005

Large format paperback, illustrated, 189 pages, text in English (some articles in other languages with English translations), small horizontal tear to spine else in Very Good condition.


Mohr, Knud (editor)

Publisher: Postiljonen, Denmark, 2009

Large format paperback, illustrated, 190 pages, text in English (some articles in other languages with English translations), very slight scratch-mark to front cover else in Very Good condition.


Mohr, Knud (editor)

Publisher: Postiljonen A/S, Copenhagen, 2012

Large format paperback, illustrated, 181 pages, text in English, in Very Good condition.


Asquith, Brian; Lovejoy, Geoff; Kenton, Phil and Muys, Cornelius

Publisher: Stuart Rossiter Trust Fund, 2000

Large format (A4) paperback, illustrated, v + 111 pages, tiny corner-creases to front cover, in Good condition.


Alonge, Aldo

Storia di un idrovolante, I suoi uomini, I servizi postali

Publisher: Giorgio Apostolo, Milano, 1997

Large paperback (card covers), 224 pages, illustrated, text in Italian, slight knock to one corner, very slight hint of spine-lean, in Good condition.


Lana, Robert E.

The Flights of 1928, 1929, 1930, and 1933. A History and Catalog of Their Postal Artifacts

Publisher: The American Air Mail Society, 1996

Large format paperback, illustrated, 144 pages, text in English, dedication from the author to the previous owner written inside front cover, some slight creases and very slight rippling to the fore-edges, internally fine, in Good condition.


Bergier, Joseph

Publisher: privately published, 2001

First edition, large format paperback, spiralbound, illustrated, 250 pages, main text in French but with useful introductory pages in English, signed dedication from the author, minor dusty marks and tiny signs of use, in Good condition.


Lhéritier, Gérard

Boules de Moulins, Pigeongrammes, Papillons de Metz

Publisher: Valeur Philatélique, Nice, 1990

Hardback, illustrated, 253 pages, text in French, in Very Good condition.


Cerutti, Carlo S.

Francobolli, Timbri e Posta

Publisher: Edizione de "Il Foglio" dell' Unione Filatelica Subalpina, Torino, 1983

Paperback (card covers), dustwrapper, illustrated, 186 pages, text in Italian with a short summary in English at the end of each chapter, tiny dustwrapper tears at foot of spine, very slight corner-creases, in Good condition.


Ohnmeiss, Edoardo

Cronaca e Storia Postale

Publisher: Editoriale Sometti, Mantova, 2010

Large (A4) paperback (pictorial card covers), x + 55 pages, illustrated, text in Italian, slightest shelf-wear else in Very Good condition.


[Scott, Barry]

including the Barry Scott FRPSL International Gold Medal Collection “Imperial Airways 1920-40”

Publisher: Corinphila, Zurich, 2013

Auction catalogue, paperback, illustrated, 448 pages, in Very Good condition.


Lister, Peter

Publisher: privately published by the author, 1994

No. 189 of 350 copies. Large format (A4) paperback, illustrated, 53 pages, some marks to the front cover and to page-edges, some creases to the covers, in Good condition.


Sloat, Ralph L.

Publisher: Bureau Issues Association, Arlington, 1977

First edition, paperback, ix + 86 pages + 2 folding tables, illustrated, ex-Canadian National Postal Museum Library with library label to front cover, library bookplate inside front cover and library pocket at rear, in Good condition.


Boughner, Fred

Publisher: Amos Press, Ohio, 1988

Hardback, illustrated, vi + 186 pages, signed by the author, ex-National Archives of Canada with library label to spine and small bookplate inside front cover, in Good condition.


Colley, Dr. N. and Garrard, W.

1918 to 1956

Publisher: Chavril Press, 1993

Large format (A4) paperback, illustrated, 76 pages, sunning to the spine, small crease to rear cover, small marks to the front cover, pages fine, in Good condition.


Proud, Edward B.

Publisher: Proud-Bailey Co. Ltd., 1991

Hardback, dustwrapper, illustrated, 576 pages, shelf-wear to the dustwrapper, slight toning to the page-edges, small signs of use, in Good condition.


Webb, Colonel F.W.

Publisher: The Postal History Society, 1968

Paperback, illustrated, 57 pages, slightly rusty staples, some small marks and some corner-creasing to the covers, in Good condition.


Thomas, Don

A Pictorial Review of Colonel Lindbergh’s Association with TAT, TWA and PAA as Technical Advisor

Publisher: privately published, Florida, 1988

First edition, large paperback (pictorial card covers), illustrated, 40 pages, top and foot of spine bumped with consequent corner-creases, in Good condition.


Mannone, Guido

Piccola Storia dell’Aviazione Civile Italiana

Publisher: no publisher details stated, 2004

Large paperback, 48 pages, illustrated, bilingual text in Italian & English, in Very Good condition.
